Olisi hienoa nähdä valtamediassa edes yksi juttu tai kolumni aivan oikeasti sota-alueilla olleiden, aivan oikean sodan nähneiden suomalaisten mietteistä näistä iPakoloisista.
Tässä ulkomaan kieltä, jota Petteri ei ymmärrä eikä edes halua ymmärtää.
In 1989 they started tearing down the fences at the border between Austria and Hungary. Now the Hungarians are building fences at their Serbian border to gain some control over illegal immigrants. On one hand I fully understand the Serbs: the EU, UN and NATO let them down during the Bosnian war in 1990's. Now they are kinda paying back. I'd do that, too, no doubt about that.
The smuggler gangs are rampant all over EU. Did you know they abandoned more than one hundred juveniles, even kids in Gothenburg, Sweden? The Swedish government does absolutely nothing, all because of this fucking "political correctness". Did you know there are at least 55 no go zones in Sweden?
Mare Nostrum, i.e. the Italians' project to protect refugees was a disaster. That was an open invitation to Italian, Turkish, Bulgarian and Russian mafias to really start making money. Please check this out
we must protect our borders.
we must protect our people.
we must to stop islamisation of Europe.
we must do that NOW.
Petteri Orpo eroa heti.
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