Vihervassarit muistavat aina kertoa siitä, että Jussi Halla-ahon nimi on Breivikin manifestissa. Niin on, ainakin kaksi kertaa.
Jussi Halla-Aho, running for parliament in Finland as an independent candidate, has come to some of the same conclusions [28] as I have regarding the Leftist-Islamic cooperation in many Western nations: The Left milks the working natives to maintain a predominantly idle immigrant population, who thankfully vote for the Left. The welfare state society thus has to support two parasites, each living in a symbiotic relationship with the other. This will eventually cause the system to collapse. Why would anyone support a policy that leads to certain destruction? Well, because a career politician never sets his sights 20, 50 or 100 years to the future but instead focuses on the next election. The short-term focus of our democratic system can thus, combined with Muslim immigration, turn into a fatal flaw.
But Halla-Aho asks an even more important question: "Why do the voters let all this happen? It is because Westerners like to be 'good' people and believe that their fellow men are equally good people. It is because they have humane values". "It is because the moral and ethical values of Western man have made him helpless in the face of wickedness and immorality".
Tiedättekö, kuinka monta kertaa Breivik mainitsee manifestissaan presidentti Martti Ahtisaaren? Laskujeni mukaan ainakin viidesti (3 + 2), seitsemästi mikäli yhteenvedossa olevat kaksi lasketaan mukaan.
Nyt kipin kapin joku päivystävä dosentti, tutkija, toimittelija tai ammattipöyristyjä miettimään, mitä kaikkia muita yhteyksiä presidentti Ahtisaarella kenties mahdollisesti saattaa kuvitellusti olla Breivikiin. Ottiko joku vaikutteita joltakin? Tästä kenties?
As Chief United Nations negotiator for Kosovo, Ahtisaari caused anger in Serbia when he stated that "Serbs are guilty as a people", implying that they would have to pay for it, possibly by losing Kosovo. It is one thing to criticise the Milosevic regime. It is quite another thing to claim that "Serbs are guilty as a people". If anybody in the Balkans can be called guilty as a people, it is the Turks, not the Serbs. The Turks have left a trail of blood across much of Europe, Asia Minor, and the Mediterranean for centuries, culminating in the Armenian genocide in the 20th century, which Turkey still refuses to acknowledge, let alone apologise for.
Yrittäkäähän toimittelijat ja vassaripipipäät miettiä vakavissanne sitä, kumman lausunnot, Halla-ahon vai Ahtisaaren, ovat poliittisesti arempia ja epäkorrektimpia. Mielestäni tuo Ahtisaaren möläytys on tasoa tarjahalonen, serbien kollektiivinen syyllistäminen oli aikamoinen pohjanoteeraus. Möläyttelyt kuitenkin kannattavat, Ahtisaaren "firma" CMI kahmaisi 13,2 miljoonaa veroeuroa toimintaansa.
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